Geosud / Sudeten network GPS data reprocessing and horizontal site velocity estimation.

Autor: Kapłon, Jan
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1214-9705
Abstrakt: Abstract: The geodynamic network of the Sudety Mts. (GEOSUD) was established in Poland in 1996. Simultaneously, the geodynamic network EAST SUDETEN was built on the Czech side in 1997 and, in 2001, it was extended for sites towards west (the WEST SUDETEN network). Since 1997 annual GPS campaign measurements have been performed on GEOSUD and EAST SUDETEN networks. Satellite observations were processed several times using the Bernese GPS Software, versions 4.0, 4.2 and 5.0. Different observation periods were processed applying different models for Earth's rotation, satellite ephemeris, pole motions, ocean loadings and antennas calibrations. This paper describes the result of uniform reprocessing of all measurements carried out in the period 1997-2012. The Bernese GPS Software V5.0 supported by the IGS Final product and absolute antenna phase centre model (IGS Final from 1409 GPS week (REPRO1 from 920 to 1408)) was used for the homogeneous reprocessing. The solution was referenced to the ITRF2008 datum using data from class A stations of the EUREF Permanent Network (EPN). The GEOSUD network was processed at IGG and the EAST and WEST SUDETEN networks at IRSM applying common processing strategy and the same reference EPN stations. Horizontal site velocities were estimated in a minimum constrained solution using ADDNEQ2 module of the Bernese GPS Software V5.0. The ITRF2008 a priori coordinates and velocities were introduced for fiducial stations belonging to EPN network. Estimated ITRF2008 velocities quality assessment was also performed by the comparison with reference EPN and ASG-EUPOS velocities. Final velocities were transformed to the ETRF2000(R08) applying the ITRF2008 plate-motion model. Paper summarizes the horizontal velocity estimations of the GEOSUD, EAST and WEST SUDETEN geodynamic network sites that cover the Sudety area and their tectonic foreland.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR