Traktát o zemi svaté (1498) : staročeská adaptace cestopisu norimberského měšťana Hanse Tuchera Treatise on the Holy Land (1498)

Autor: Svátek, Jaroslav, 1982-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0024-4457
Abstrakt: Abstract: Treatise on the Holy Land (Traktát o zemi svaté), printed by Mikuláš Bakalář of Pilsen in 1498, belongs to the oldest travelogues written in Czech. Up to now, the text has been considered by scholars as a shortened translation of Bernhard of Breydenbachís bestseller Peregrinatio ad Terram sanctam from 1486. Comparing the Czech text with another German travelogue Die Reise ins gelobte Land, written by the Nuremberg merchant Hans Tucher senior in 1482, the article demonstrates that the Czech incunable was directly translated from this source. Several aspects of this translation are analyzed, such as the process of shortening the original text, the omission of its autobiographical parts, translational strategies and mistakes. The edition of the Treatise on the Holy Land, preserved only in two copies, is presented as a supplement.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR