Poznatky ke stavebnímu vývoji a k pohřbívání v kostele sv. Kříže v Javorníku-vsi na základě archeologického výzkumu.

Autor: Kováčik, Peter, 1972-
Další autoři:
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-7250
Abstrakt: Abstract: Archaeological research in 2015 in the interior of St. Cross church in Javornik brought new knowledge about its construction and historical development. The oldest floor level was probably identified. It appears that during the Hussite campaign in 1428 the building was damaged and subsequently repaired. We also managed to identify and date the next three floor levels, building of new church entrances, and also alterations of the interior - construction of baptistery (no longer exists), side altars, construction and subsequent demolition of the gallery and singer‘s tribune. Graves were also investigated. Five skeletons were found in burial pits and 2 skeletons in brick tombs.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR