Vokalická kvantita v Kázaní o hrozné kométě (1578)

Autor: Böhmová, Veronika
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0027-8203
Abstrakt: Abstract: The paper analyses vocalic quantity in the sermon by Valentin Šubar Lanškrounský which was published in 1578 under the collaboration of Daniel Adam ofVeleslavín and Jiří Melantrich of Aventyno in their printing workshop. The conjunction nébrž, which according to J. Porák has not appeared in print since the 1560s, can be found in The Sermon. The analysis further reflects the current discussion on the amount of influence the typographer had on the final visual form of the print, reaching the conclusion that the distribution of the variants <ů> and in The Sermon retains random character.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR