Possibilities of cyclization of side alkyl chains of n-alkylphenols and n-alkylbenzenes in the environment of a stationary phase.

Autor: Straka, Pavel, 1947-
Další autoři:
Buryan, Petr, 1947-
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1214-9705
Abstrakt: Abstract: During separations in both polar and nonpolar stationary phases of gas chromatographic columns, side alkylchains of n-alkylphenols and n-alkylbenzenes become cyclized. In the aromatic-quasi-alicyclic molecules that are thereby formed, the effect of van der Waals forces is thus increased. The increase involves not only intramolecularly but also intermolecularly acting effects and becomes significantly evident when propyl and higher substituents as butyl, pentyl and hexyl constitute the side alkyl chains. As a result, boiling points considerably increase (non-linearly) in the case of n-alkylphenols and n-alkylbenzenes with total number of carbons in the molecule higher than 9. This leads to divergence in the retention characteristics of the above-mentioned compounds, which can be observed in the dependence of relative retention times on the number of carbons. Cyclization of side alkyl chains in a stationary phase is a quite new phenomenon.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR