Preliminary results of investigations of long lasting non-tidal signals observed by means of horizontal pendulums and long water tube tiltmeters in Low Solesian geodynamic laboratory of Polish Academy of Sciences in Ksiaz.

Autor: Kaczorowski, Marek
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1214-9705
Abstrakt: Abstract: Thirty years long measurements of plumb line variations carried on with help of horizontal pendulums provided us information of non-tidal effects. Installation of the long water tube tiltmeter opens for us new possibility to answer the question, which part of non-tidal effects observed by means of pendulums was associated with geodynamic phenomena and which part was of instrumental or local origin. Two years long measurements of the long water-tube tiltmeter showed us some important similarities between non-tidal effects registered by both instruments: comparable amplitudes of non-tidal effects, time of durations of non-tidal effects as well as irregularity of occurring of non-tid al events. In spite of disjunction of time series of measurements obtained with help of horizontal pendulums and long water-tube tiltmeters we are able to conclude that the reasons of large non-tidal effects can not be simply explained by influence of temperature or pressure variations.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR