Chemical and physical characterisation of some Tunisian smectitic clays for human healing use.

Autor: Fakhfakh, Emma
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Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1214-9705
Abstrakt: Abstract: The use of clays for therapeutic purposes is mainly related to their high absorbent and adsorbent properties. In dermatology and cosmetics (topical applications), clays are used due to thei rhigh swelling, high plasticity, high specific surface and high ion exchange properties. In this paper, mineralogical, chemical and technological properties of some Tunisian smectitic clays are reported with the aim to assess their suitability to be used for therapeutic external applications. Properties of these clays have been compared to those of the bentonite of Porto Santo Island (PSBT) of the Madeira archipelago (Portugal), considered to be very interesting for therapeutic treatment on the basis of their technological characterization (CEC, specific surface, exchangeable cations, specific heat, cooling rate and abrasivity). Among the investigated clays HMD1, TFL1, BRD1 an d AYD1 seem to be the most appropriate for topical applications as cataplasms or mud baths.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR