The 22nd International Congress of Historical Sciences in Jinan : A big theme from a small country.

Autor: Zudová-Lešková, Zlatica, 1957-
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0862-6111
Abstrakt: Abstract: The article, which is the joint work of Czech participants in the thematized Congress, presents an analysis of the extraordinarily important World Congress of Historians which convened between the 23'J and the 29,h of August 2015 in Jinan, China, attended by around 2,600 historians from 90 countries across all continents. The Congress became a reflection of China’s rising importance as a great power in the humanities, but at the same time also the emergence of other parts of the world - East and South Asia, Latin America and Africa. Czech historians participated in the Congress programme via the organization of three panels (European Reformation as a Modelfor Revolutions and Crises for Today’s World; Frontiers. Massacres and Resettlement of Populations; Change of I alue - alue of Change. Transforming Societies in Global Perspective via Oral History). and papers in other sections. The individual chapters of this text address these themes: the concept of the Congress, its preparation, organization and programme: access, the ideological standpoints of the Chinese organizers and the inspiration coming from this environment; the positions of the individual periods (particularly the history of the Middle Ages and the early modern period, as well as modern and contemporary history) in the Congress programme: the theme of Christianization, revolutions, environmental history, historical demography and popular social phenomena (travel, sport) at the Congress: the interpretation and reinterpretation of history, the teaching of history: special attention is devoted to the panels prepared by the institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences in co-opcra-tion with the Czech National Committee oi Historians and the perspectives of the World Congress which will be held in Poznan in the year 2020.
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