Kolonizace Polička a Broumovska a břevnovská klášterní falza.

Autor: Musil, František
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0323-0988
Abstrakt: Abstract: The study investigates the period of high colonisation in Police region and Broumov region, which was organised by the Benedictine monastery in Břevnov (near Prague). Because most sources regarding this topic are mediaeval falsified documents, the study investigates the origin and significance of these falsified documents for ascertaining facts about the colonisation process. The conclusion outlines a hypothesis that these falsified documents may have arisen in relation with the Břevnov monastery abbot’s attempt to ensure that the monastery’s real estate pledged to Kłodzko’s House of Pannewitz could be returned not to King John, but to the monastery.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR