První kroky poválečné rekonstrukce a hospodářské obnovy v Československu v létě 1945.

Autor: Voráček, Emil, 1950-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0037-6922
Abstrakt: Abstract: In this study the author concentrates on several herefore relatively less-studied topics from the period of postwar reconstruction of the Czechoslovak economy. The focal point of the research is on the period immediately following the country´s liberation; that is, rougly from May until July 1945. The renewal of the economy was complicated by the need to immediately, and in parallel, solve many problems which would otherwise have had to be taken one by one. It was necessary to master a situation that was near to chaos, and doing so was also a political task of the utmost importance. The most pressing issues were reconstruction of the transportation infrastructure, suppplying materials and fuel for renewing manufacturing, and providing for functional transportation, construction and specialized engineering technology. At the same time, processes were taking place to prepare for the complex renewal of the national economy, which later became the content of a two-year plan. The structure of the mechanisms for the new economic policy was given shape, and a great degree of nationalization, or, to be more precise, socialization was planned for in industry and banking.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR