Tzv. „odborářský“ kabinet Gyuly Peidla v Maďarsku a politika Nejvyšší rady pařížské mírové konference (srpen 1919)

Autor: Tóth, Andrej
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1210-6860
Abstrakt: Abstract: The single-color social democratic Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Gyula Peidl replaced Sándor Garbai´s coalition government composed of social democrats and communists and thus closed the 133 long existence of the Soviet Republic of Hungary. The peaceful transfer of state power from the "Kun Regime" into the hands of right-oriented social democrats was not only the final victory of a relistic assessment of the hopeless miltary and political situation of the "Soviet Republic" by its political representatives at a joint meeting of the central executive body of the "Soviet Republic", the Revolutionary Steering Council, and of the leading body od the united party of social democrats and communists on August 1, 1919, but also an indirect result of the talks between the socialists opposed to the Government and the Entente representatives held in Vienna in July. The new, again standard civic government in Budapest, however, could not find sufficient support among the Entente representatives at the Paris Peace Conference.The Peace Conference was unable to adequately respond to the new political situation in the troubled country and provide the necessary support to the new Hungarian government so as to help stabilize the situation there. The inconsistent approach of the Entente representatives to that Central European country soon led to an occupation of one half of Hungary´s Trianon-defined territory, including its capital, by the Rumanian Army and to a fall of the Hungarian social democratic government. Consequently, the policy pursued by the Entente Powers in relation to Hungary after the war contributed to the beginning of a conservative Christian-nationalist political line and the introduction of a semi-authoritarian regime ruling in Hungary between the two world wars.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR