Atmospeheric Barrier-Torch Discharge Applied on the Low Temperature Deposition.

Autor: Hubička, Zdeněk, 1972-
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0447-6441
Abstrakt: Abstract: The barreer-torch discharge was used for a low temperature depositon InxOy and SnOx thin films at atmospeheric pressure on polymer SiO2 and Si substrates as well. Vapours of Sn-and In- acetylacetonat were used as growth precursors for the deposition process of InxOy and SnOx, respectively. Adhesive and conductive films with maximum achieved conductivity sSnO = 10 S/cm for SnOx and sInO = 102 S/cm for InxOy were deposited on polymer substrate. Since natural gas temperature was Tn = 800 K in this mode, plasma jet excitation had to be pulse modulated in order to avoid thermal damages of the polymer substrate. The analysis by electron microprobe system has shown that films deposited in both working modes have chemical composition close to SnO2 and In2O3, respectively. XRD diffraciton did not confirn any crystalline phase in all the deposited samples. Furthermore, we present measurements of the electron temperature Te in the RF barrer-torch discharge by means of the planar RF-compensated Langmuir probe. The probe was mounted at the sustrate position. Error caused by collisions of charged particles with neutrals in the space charge sheath around the probe )collision probe working regime) at atmospheric pressure is discussed. In order to minimise this error the single probe technique was used to awquire the probe data, which were then recalculated to get the double probe characteristic. From this the electgron temperature Te has been obtained in usual manner. Using He as a working gas the Te was found to be in the interval Te = 2.7 - 6 eV depending on the applied RF power and system configuration.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR