Možnosti evidence a zpřístupnění starých map v České republice se zvláštním zřetelem k mapám Prahy v pražských archivech.

Autor: Bílková, Eva, 1955-
Další autoři:
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0323-0988
Abstrakt: Abstract: In the Czech Republic old maps are kept mostly in archives, libraries and other institutions, often in separate sections of these. The registration (stocktaking) of these map collections is insufficient, and therefore, they are inaccessible for most researchers. Not only the registration, but especially the creation of catalogues of old maps is truly an interdisciplinary problem which is very demanding for administrators of the collections. This paper focuses on the issue of keeping old maps in the Czech Republic on several levels. It summarizes the unsuccessful, however methodologically interesting, attempts to store old maps and the genesis of their first summary list: Soupis map českých zemí (The list of maps of the Czech Lands) by František Roubík. The current summary of the map trasure in our country is provided by Lexikon mapových archivů a sbírek České republiky (The lexicon of map archives and collections in the Czech Republic) edited by the department of the historical geography of the Historical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. This institute was also the birthplace of the idea to create an internet portal for old maps in the Czech Republic which would associate references to individual map collections and provide basic information. The paper summarizes the suggestion concerning the stocktaking and the creation of catalogues of map collections and describes the plan for making old maps accessible due to the use of digital technologies. The second part of the paper brings an overview of the present state of the main map collections in Prague (a list) and information about old not very famous lists of maps of Prague. We believe that both will be useful for researchers since the modern processing of most Prague map collections cannot be implemented in the foreseeable future.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR