Error estimates for barycentric finite volumes combined with nonconforming finite elements applied to nonlinear convection-diffusion problems.

Autor: Dolejší, Vít, 1971-
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0862-7940
Abstrakt: Abstract: The subject of the paper is the derivation of error estimates for the combined finite volume-finite element method used for the numerical solution of nonstationary nonlinear convection-diffusion problems. Here we analyze the combination of barycentric finite volumes associated with sides of triangulation with the piecewise linear nonconforming Crouzeix-Raviart finite elements. Under some assumptions on the regularity of the exact solution, the $L^2(L^2)$ and $L^2(H^1)$ error estimates are established. At the end of the paper, some computational results are presented demonstrating the application of the method to the solution of viscous gas flow.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR