Modification of thin polymer films by ion implantation.

Autor: Guenther, M.
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Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0447-6441
Abstrakt: Abstract: Thin polymer films are widely used as functional layers for microelectronic sensors. The physical properties of polymers such as polyimide (PI) and polyethersulfone (PES) may be tailored for special sensor applications. In this work, a complex investigation of the film composition, microstructure and physical properties of ion beam modified polymer films was carried out to optimize the moisture uptake. To modify thin films of polyimide and polyethersulfone 50, 130 and 180 keV boron ions with irradiation doses between 10(13) and 10(16) B+/cm2 were implanted. It could be shown, that partly destruction of chemical bonding under ion bombardment leads to the creation of new amorphous and graphite-like structures, which increase the modified surface film conductivity by several orders of magnitude and enhances the sensitivity of these films to moisture uptake.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR