Formuliczność w Słowniku górnołużycko-polskim Henryka Zemana.

Autor: Szpila, Grzegorz
Jazyk: polština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0037-6736
Abstrakt: Abstract: The paper discusses the place and presentation of formulaic language in Henryk Zeman´s Słownik górnołużycko-polski. Published in 1968, it has remained to date the only bilingual Upper-Sorbian-Polish dictionary of that size. It contains over 5000 phraseological units of various types. The paper discusses the types of formulaic language found in the lexicon, the macro- and microstructure of the dictionary, and the equivalence of Upper-Sorbian phraseological units in the Polish language. Notwithstanding a few inaccuracies, inconsitencies and errors, as well as lexical out-datedness, the dictionary appears to be an invaluable source of lexical information about the formulaic Upper-Sorbian.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR