Židovské sídliště v Třebíči od poloviny 16. století do roku 1835.

Autor: Fišer, Rudolf, 1940-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0323-0988
Abstrakt: Abstract: The article on development of Jewish settlement in Třebíč-Podklášteří is based on detailed analysis of administrative books of seigniorial provenience (lists of serfs´ liabilities of the years 1556, 1573, 1629, 1654, 1670), especially of the Jewish land register of the year 1724, the premises register of the village (suburb) of Podklášteří, the field register of Třebíč Demesne of the year 1678 and documentary materials from the District Archives in Třebíč. Having confronted the knowledge gained from the above sources with topographic data from an indication sketch of Podklášteří of the year 1835 the author was able to identify the position of individual houses and the time when they were purchased by the Jews or when they were built quite precisely. The selected procedure allowed us firstly to understand the dynamics of the development of the Jewish settlement in Třebíč-Podklášteří and secondly to reconstruct the basic phases of the Jewish suburb layout formation. The Jews returned to Podklášteří in the 1560s and their suburb developed very slowly until the beginning of the Thirty Years War. The phase of dynamic development was only to come in the 1640s and culminated in the 1660s abd 1670s. In the year 1724 the Jewish suburb in Třebíč-Podklášteří comprised 96 houses, 2 synagogues, a town hall, a rabbinate, a hospital and a ritual slaughterhouse. In the years 1724-1835 only 14 houses were added. After the year 1848 the wealthier Jews started buying houses in the main square of the town or they left for other places.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR