Všímavosť ako metóda rozvoja racionality?

Autor: Jurkovič, Marek
Jazyk: slovenština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0009-062X
Abstrakt: Abstract: Irrationality is largely determined by the processes, which could be described as automatic. This means that they affect decision making and reasoning without us being aware of it. Researchers have already shown that many of these unconscious cognitive biases can be brought udner conscious control, so it is possible to replace heuristic reactions with deliberative ones. Author beliveves that the development of mindfulness constitutes one of the possible methods for positive influencing of rationality. He presents the results of recent studies in pursuit of inter-diciplinary summary and lining of existing knowledge. Mindfulness can, according to author, help individuals get various hitherto unrecognized mental processes into the consciousness and thereby reduce their impact. This should be achieved through nonverbal metacognitive reflection. The author presents the assumption that nonjudging of mental contents, tolerance to chagne and strengthened inhibitory mechanisms, associated with mindfulness are best suited for the reduction of certain cgonitive biases. Finally, the author claims that the development of mindulness can also positively influence rationality in non-cognitive areas such as selfconcept and emotional regulation.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR