Reflexivní aktér v současných teoriích sociálního jednání.

Autor: Balon, Jan, 1973-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1210-0250
Abstrakt: Abstract: b: this paper, l address issues of reflection and reflexivity in terms of social and general sociological theory. Attention to reflection and reflexivity is often considered to be the means through which we can gain deep insights into the nature of our present. This potential of any reflexive project may be employed in two opposite directions, we may both resort to critical and constructive use of reflexivity and to radical and deconstructive use of it. Reflexive analysis is frequently identified and associated with radical programmes. In my argument, l would like to emphasize its reconstructive capacity. A special attention is paid to prominent sociological theories and issues of reflexivity are traced in the works of Talcott Parsons, Alvin Gouldner and Anthony Giddens. Final part discusses the role of social scientist and social explanation today in terms of the calls to reflexive social inquiry.
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