Pauperizace raně novověké nižší šlechty v Čechách a její (zkreslený) úbytek v pramenech hromadné povahy.

Autor: Mrvík, Vladimír Jakub, 1984-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0323-0937
Abstrakt: Abstract: The phenomenon of long-time pauperization and „disappearance“ of lower nobility was in the Early Modern Era a marked phenomenon in the lands of the Bohemian Crown as well as in neighboring lands of Central Europe. The lower nobiltiy experiences a marked decrease of the standard of living. Thousands of lower noblemen headed for the cities ort he service for higher nobility. The present study aims to explain and analyze what were the causes of these phenomena, and of the specific development in the Early Modern Bohemia, on the basis of microhistorical study of the representatives of lower nobility in the historical region of Černý Kostelec between the years 1500-1750.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR