Čeho se dnes mladí lidé bojí? Volně generované výpovědi o strachu vs. sebeposuzovací škála /.

Autor: Volková, Anežka
Další autoři:
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0009-062X
Abstrakt: Abstract: Objectives. The study aims at exploring specific fears in the emerging adulthood period. Partial objective is to examine suitability of two self-rating scale-insturemts FSSC-II and FSS-II used in combination for resondets in the period of emerging adulthood. Hypotheses. It can be assumed thad young people have subjectively perceived fears associated with finding a career, intimate relationship and self-realization. It can be assumed that openended answers include fears that the current combination of scales does not. Method. The total sample (internet based) size and gender structure: 642 respondents (162 males, 480 females). The sample age ranged between 20 and 29 years. The study combines two methods of data collection: self-rating scales (combination of FSSC-II and FSS-II) and opended questions on fears. Results and conclusions. The open-ended answers were categorized into 16 general categories. The order of ten most intense fears from self-rating scale was presented. Items within scales were based on its contents assigned to general categores, from open-ended answers. Based on the results, it is possible to describe some most specific fears typical for the period of emerging adulthood. These icnlude school fears, fears of failure, fears for close ones, employment relate fears, death related fears, partnership rear and next. The fears identified through open-ended answers appear to be content-specific and include also effects of the social contexts. The self-rating scales applied in the survey has proved to be insufficient. Limits. The study impact is limited by sample structure. The fact that the sample was over-represented by students (80%) and women (70%) might have contributed to higher proportion of school fears in this study.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR