Paradoxes of psychological sense of community =

Autor: Kanovská Halamová, Júlia, 1975-
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0009-062X
Abstrakt: Abstract: In recent decades, there has been a significantly increased interest in the interdisciplinary and international concept termed “sense of community”. The reason is that sense of community is associated with a large number of positive consequences on individuals and communities as well as society in general. Although the psychological sense of community is a central concept of community psychology as well as the most frequently studied construct of community psychology at this time, it still remains poorly conceptualized in a theoretical and methodological way. The main reason is because there are thought-provoking paradoxes connected with exploration of the phenomenon. These paradoxes are discussed in detail and classified into three broad categories: historical paradoxes; paradoxes related to dynamics of a community; and ethical paradoxes within the sense of community.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR