Migration programmes - a new way to solve problems with brain drain from poorer countries?

Autor: Kotira, Peter
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Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1805-8396
Abstrakt: Abstract: The article deals with the issue of migration of high skilled migrants. There are shown two levels of migration in the European Union. The first one is represented by relationship between origin member states of the European Union and new members, second one goes in for the connexion between the European Union (as a whole) and the third countries (non-member states). Migration of the third countries’s citizens to Slovak Republic and to the European Union is explored in the article as well. Its integral part is an absence of high skilled migrants. Proposed solution to mentioned topics is, apparently, a cooperation between the European Union member states and underdeveloped countries which is known as „partnership” based on principles of regulation and prevention from „brain drain” and illegal migration. In case of failing to solve issues stated above it could verily bring serious consequences for employment market in the European Union.
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