Face-to-face partition of 3D space with identical well-centered tetrahedra.

Autor: Hošek, Radim
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0862-7940
Abstrakt: Abstract: The motivation for this paper comes from physical problems defined on bounded smooth domains Ω in 3D. Numerical schemes for these problems are usually defined on some polyhedral domains Ωh and if there is some additional compactness result available, then the method may converge even if Ωh to Ω only in the sense of compacts. Hence, we use the idea of meshing the whole space and defining the approximative domains as a subset of this partition. Numerical schemes for which quantities are defined on dual partitions usually require some additional quality. One of the used approaches is the concept of well-centeredness, in which the center of the circumsphere of any element lies inside that element. We show that the one-parameter family of Sommerville tetrahedral elements, whose copies and mirror images tile 3D, build a well-centered face-to-face mesh. Then, a shape-optimal value of the parameter is computed. For this value of the parameter, Sommerville tetrahedron is invariant with respect to reflection, i.e., 3D space is tiled by copies of a single tetrahedron.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR