Jošiwara a S. K. Neumann.

Autor: Kraemerová, Alice, 1950-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0029-5302
Abstrakt: Abstract: The discovery, in an ordinary school exercise! book, of a handwritten treatise about the Yoshiwara pleasure district inspired the writing of this article. The search for the origins of this treatise leads us to the prominent Czech poet and journalist S. K. Neumann. Although he had never! been to Japan, surprisingly he was able to write several well-founded articles on Japanese art and literature, with one of his books of poems being inspired by Japan. In spite of the fact that the author of the exercise book was never found, it can I be proved that the Czech translation contained] in the exercise book corresponds to a book entitled Yoshiwara, Japanese Love Town, the author of which was S. K. Neumann, writing under the pseudonym of Dr. Záruba.
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