Eneolihic hillfort Starý Zámek near Jevišovice. A contribution to lithic chipped industry research in southwestern Moravia.

Autor: Šebela, Lubomír, 1953-
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-7250
Abstrakt: Abstract: The Moravian-Silesian Prehistoric Branch of the Archaeological Institute AV ČR, Brno, v. v. i. has a long-term research interest in lithic chipped industries of the Late Stone Age and the Early Bronze Age in Moravia and Czech Silesia. Presently, a very important research focus is a lithic collection from the fortified Eneolithic hillfort Starý Zámek near Jevišovice. There are 474 knapped artifacts in the collection, including pieces collected from the surface and from excavations by J. Palliardi. One third of the artifacts are linked to cultural layers C, C2, C1 and B. Seventy pieces were published by Anna Medunová. At least 74 of the artifacts excavated by J. Palliardi have been recently identified in the collection deposited at the Moravian Museum. The assemblage includes a variety of endscrapers, blades, and borers as well as some cores. Tools of the Krummesser type from layer B and a bifacially retouched artifact (dagger or sickle fragment) from Bavarian tabular chert (Plattensilex) are of particular interest. Most artifacts were produced from local rocks (cherts of the Krumlovský les type and weathering products of serpentinite), although silicites from glacial sediments and chert of the Stránská skála type have also been identified. The presence of Bavarian Plattensilex (at least two artifacts) and rocks sourced from Poland (silicites from Cracow-Częstochowa Jurassic Upland and the spotted chert of the Świeciechów type). Two Palaeolithic artifacts are a surprising discovery. We cannot exclude the possibility that these pieces originate from an earlier period and were reused later.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR