Knihovna Veita Ulricha Marschalla z Ebnetu.

Autor: Koudela, Miroslav, 1973-
Další autoři:
Mašek, Petr, 1959-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Seriál
Abstrakt: Abstract: The article summarises the known information about the life of the politician and significant bibliophile Veit Ulrich Marschall von Ebnet (ca 1565 - ca 1625). Based on the provenance research into Lipník nad Bečvou and Mikulov castle libraries, the National Museum Library and other collections as well as auction catalogues, the paper lists the identified books from his library, describes Marschall’s armorial bindings and other provenance marks, on the basis of which it attempts to characterise the content of this extraordinary library.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR