"K tebe, imejuščemu byt' roždennym..." Básnická korešpondencia Mariny Cvetajevovej v naratívnych súradniciach.

Autor: Pčola, Marián, 1976-
Jazyk: slovenština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0037-6736
Abstrakt: Abstract: The article focuses on stylistic and compositional peculiatities of an author´s personal correspondence. However, it tends to view it not merely as a „historical document“ revealing biographical facts, but rather as a specific genre of its own, blurring the boundaries between literary and non-literary writings, fiction and non-fiction. First some general aspects of poetic correspondence are presented, aiming to picture a certain theoretical model. That is followed by a more detailed case study: a reflection over Marina Tsvetaeva´s intimate letters to her close friends and fellow poets, seeing them in overal context as an exceptional form of a poetic narration of her life story.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR