Odkaz architektury, filozofie a vědy v Lannových vilách = Villa Lanna and the Legacy of architecture, philosophy and science.

Autor: Hofmanová, Marina, 1960-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1210-9525
Abstrakt: Abstract: Vojtěch Lanna, an industrial entrepreneur who was one of the most renowned philanthropists and collectors of art in the late 19th century built two neo-renaissance villas for his family. One was erected in Prague (1868-1872) and serves representative purposes of the Czech Academy of Sciences at present. The other was built in Gmunden, near Lake Traunsee, Upper Austria, between the years 1872 and 1875 and ranked among the most important neorenaissance summer houses in the region. It and was introduced by the Academic bulletin both in a supplement of its regular issue (2014/7-8) and in a special edition last year. In August this year, it hosted a seminar on the theme Was bleibt? Architektur-Philosphie-Wissenschaft. Professor Jan Bažant of the CAS Institute of Philosophy was invited to speak not only about the history of the Lanna family but also about the architecture and beautifully decorated interiors of both villas and their significance for the cultural heritage of both The Czech Republic and Austria.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR