Slovnědruhová a morfologická homonymie, homofonie a homografie v současné češtině = Part-of-speech and morphological ambiguity, homophony and homography in contemporary Czech.

Autor: Petkevič, Vladimír, 1954-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0008-7386
Abstrakt: Abstract: The paper presents a classification of the types of morphological ambiguity and the types of homophony and homography in contemporary Czech occurring in the material of the SYN and SYN2013PUB corpora of the Czech National Corpus. The classification of homonymy and homography constitutes a data base for the rule-based automatic morphological disambiguation of written Czech performed in the Institute of Theoretical and Computational Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. As for homophony, the types presented in the paper and mainly the sets of word forms associated with these types, can be used for the disambiguation of spoken texts.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR