Předběžná zpráva o objevu „antiqua civitas“ na Starém městě v Litoveli a několik poznámek k aspektům geneze města Litovle = Vorläufiger Bericht über Entdeckung der „antiqua civitas“ in der Litoveler Altstadt und einige Bemerkungen zu den Entwicklungsaspekte der Stadt Litove.

Autor: Šlézar, Pavel, 1977-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-7250
Abstrakt: Abstract: Preliminary report of the discovery of “Antiqua civitas” in the Old Town of Litovel and several notes on the aspects of Litovel establishment. In the first half of year 2004, the third stage of sewerage building took place in the town of Litovel. The rescue archaeological research was done in Staré město (Old Town). According to the historians, urbanists and local history researchers, the Litovel pre-location settlement was identified with the funnel-shaped Old Town Square. The archaeological research discovered the pre-location settlement on a sand dune in a meander of the river Morava, west of the Old Town Square. The settled area was approximately 7 hectares large, the central part about 3 hectares. The settlement used as a market-place and the St. Jacobs Church belonged to it. The town establishment dealt with raised interest in metals mined in the Jeseníky mountains and with the road connectig the towns Olomouc – Litovel – Uničov – Rýmařov – Bruntál. The settlement worked from the turn of 12th and 13th century, when it was moved 0,5 km to the between the branches of the river Morava, here the Royal Town of Litovel was established.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR