Non-contact measurement of small deformation of an object by means of the speckle correlation method = Bezkontaktní měření malé deformace předmětu pomocí metody korelace polí koherenční zrnitosti.

Autor: Horváth, Pavel, 1972-
Další autoři:
Šmíd, Petr, 1972-
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0447-6441
Abstrakt: Abstract: The article describes a modern optical method for measurement of small deformation of an object. The method uses the speckle phenomenon and is based on the decorrelation of speckle patterns, which is caused in consequence of a small deformation of an object under investigation. This article that has an overview trait presents briefly the concept of the measurement method and mentions basic equations valid for propagation of speckle fields in the optical free space and image field between the speckle motion and the object deformation. The main attention is focused on utilization of the method for measurement of the components of the small deformation object, i.e. an object rotation, elastic deformation and translation, both static and dynamic one (vibrations). The designed experimental set-ups for each case are presented and some achieved results are included, too.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR