L'enchaîtnement thématique et les formes de la phrase dans la description littéraire = Thematic connexity and phrastic forms in a literary description.

Autor: Loucká, Hana
Jazyk: francouzština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0862-8432
Abstrakt: Abstract: In a description, the different parts of a "tout" object are introduced in a text via identification that denotes them as presupposed already known elements standing in a thematic position. The theme is derived from an associative anaphor and transposed by means of a definite nominal unit. The qualities and characteristics attributed to the parts of a "tout" object stand in a rhematic position constituted by the subject complement of the thematic subject. In opening constructions, the individual parts of an "ensemble" object introduced in a text as new elements (therefore standing in a rhematic position) by eans of identification are transposed by an indefinite nominal unit. The individual parts of an "ensemble" object introduced in a text as new rhematic elements can be considered a "linear discovery". They are the result of a successive linear theme mechanism. The phrasal forms attaining the "linear discovery" correspond to the syntactic thematisation of dislocated adverbials or to the scheme S-V-Od/adverbial. None of these procedures represent a unique type constrained to the description of a "tout/ensemble" object.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR