Multivariate linear relation for precipitation: A new simple empirical formula.

Autor: Chatzithomas, Constantinos
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Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0039-3169
Abstrakt: Abstract: A multivariate linear model is tested in the Viotikos Kefissos basin to estimate monthly and annual average values of precipitation using two different datasets. The model results are validated using all available data. Three independent variables are used to estimate monthly and annual average precipitation. The first independent variable is the elevation of each station. The second independent variable takes into account that the winter storms, which bear most of the precipitation that fall into the basin, come mainly from west. Stations located at the western side of the basin were given a greater value for this variable than stations located at the eastern side of the basin. The third independent variable refers to the trend of the northern part of Greece to have more rain than the southern part. Stations located at the northern side of the basin have higher values for this variable while stations located at the southern side of the basin have smaller values. The first two variables yield a significant part of the information while the third variable does not. The results of the multivariate linear model are compared with the results of co kriging, and found to explain similar parts of the spatial variability of the precipitation of the Voiotikos Kefissos basin.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR