První československá pozemková reforma před Společností národů. Majetkoprávní spory s říšskoněmeckými a maďarskými velkostatkáři = The First Czechoslovak Land Reform and the League of Nations. Property rights disputes with the German and Hungarian landed gentry.

Autor: Kaucká, Kristýna
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1210-6860
Abstrakt: Abstract: This paper looks at the First Czechoslovak Land Reform and focuses on its international negotiation with the League of Nations. It first looks in general at the institute of the mixed tribunals set up on the basis of the peace agreements, and in specific chapters refers to the working of the Czechoslovak-German and Czechoslovak-Hungarian mixed arbitration tribunals. It investigates the State Representative Office and its personnel. It then outlines the strategy of the German minority in Czechoslovakia organised within the Völkerbundliga led by Wilhelm von Medinger.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR