Neolitické sídliště v Popůvkách, okr. Brno-venkov- stav poznání pramenné základny k roku 2005.

Autor: Lečbychová, Olga
Další autoři:
Kuča, Martin, 1979-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-7250
Abstrakt: Abstract: Popůvky near Brno is a well known Neolithic locality. Rescue excavations carried out by the Institute of Archaeological Heritage Preservation (ÚAPP Brno) have provided new material for study. The analysis of this material has provided new information relevant to the chronology of human occupation. The site has been investigated by carrying out surface prospecting over a long period. Analyses of the recently excavated material are presented with an emphasis on the Moravian Painted Ware culture settlement (O. Lečbychová), accumulations of surface fi nds with analyses of Šárec type Linear pottery settlement (M. Kuča) and analyses of a ground stone industry from the rescue excavation and surface fi nds (M. Vokáč).
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR