Prvá kapitola čínsko-pakistanských vzťahov : sladšie ako med, vyššie ako Himaláje = The first chapter of Sino - Pakistani relations : sweeter than honey, higher than the Hymalayas.

Autor: Ondris, Peter
Jazyk: slovenština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0029-5302
Abstrakt: Abstract: A very interesting feature of Chinese foreign policy has been Peking's persistent efforts topreserve good relations with Pakistan, and to do so within the context of the changing character of its approach to foreign policy, Even though the PRC's foreign policy objectives have not changed since the 1950s, the changing international environment and Beijings's views have resulted in variations in its foreign policy and in its relationship with the major powers.Neverthelless, even though the PRC's relations with Pakistan have not always been free of problems, a certain level of stability has been preserved. The relationship between the People's Republic of China and Pakistan in the years 1950-1974 may be characterized as being realistic and based on the geopolitical goals of both countries. There was a tendency for the relationship to deteriorate from time to time, as a result of the concrete course of events or changes in the priorities of one or both sides. The fact that they always maintained a certain level of stability and continuity demonstrates the consonance of the long-term foreign policy goals of both countries, as well as the pragmatic approach adopted by the political leadership of both countries as regards their mutual relations. however, I believe that even in the event of major geopolitical change, this relationship would have remained much the same, due to the same reasons that constituted the basis for its stability and continuity. in the realm of international relations, such an "all weather relationship" is quite uncommon, especially when dealing with countries with such different social and cultural backgrounds.
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