Different effects of phase advance and delay in rotating light-dark regimens on clock and natriuretic peptide gene expression in the rat heart.

Autor: Herichová, Iveta
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0862-8408
Abstrakt: Abstract: Under physiological conditions the mammalian circadian system is synchronized to a cyclic environment. The central oscillator in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) responds predominantly to an external light (L) dark (D) cycle. Peripheral oscillators are more efficiently synchronized by metabolic cues. When the circadian system is exposed to opposing synchronizing cues, peripheral oscillators uncouple from the SCN. To consider influence of phase advances and delays in light regimens mimicking shift work, we analyzed the expression of clock genes (per2, bmal1) and natriuretic peptides (anp, bnp) in the heart of male rats. Experimental groups were exposed to a rotating LD regimen with either 8 h phase advance or delay for 11 weeks. Samples were taken for a 24 h cycle in 4 h intervals. Peripheral oscillators responded to rotating phase advance by decreasing rhythm robustness, while phase delay mostly influenced the phase angle between the acrophase of rhythmic gene expression and the external LD cycle. The expression of anp was arrhythmic in the heart of control rats and was not influenced by rotating LD regimens. The expression of bnp showed a daily rhythm with a nadir during the active phase. The daily rhythm in bnp expression diminished under rotating LD regimen conditions.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR