Ultrastructural and biochemical comparison of summer active and summer diapausing pupae of the horse chestnut leaf miner, Cameraria ohridella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae)

Autor: Weyda, František, 1949-
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1210-5759
Abstrakt: Abstract: The ultrastructural and biochemical characteristics were studied in active and diapausing pupae of the horse chestnut leaf miner, Cameraria ohridella, collected in summer. The active pupae contained developing internal organs, while those in diapause mostly numerous non-differentiated cells packed with stored nutrients. These nutrients occurred in vacuoles as liquid material (lipids, proteins) or as reserve crystaloids (proteins). Triacylglycerols (TGs) were the main lipids stored by pupae and were more abundant in diapausing than active pupae. The amount of diacyglycerols (DGs) and phospholipids (PLs) was almost identical in both groups, which reflects the roles of these compounds in lipid transport and structure of cell membranes, respectively. A principal component analysis (PCA) indicated differences in the quality of the lipid compounds in both groups and that the TGs were mostly responsible for the difference. Polyunsaturated linolenic acid (18 : 3) was the most abundant fatty acid in both active and diapausing pupae, nevertheless its content was significantly higher in the former; the level of 7 fatty acids reached values higher than 1%. Differences in other nutrients were similar to those of TGs; higher contents of both glycogen and proteins were recorded in diapausing than active pupae. The results revealed significant differences between the two summer pupal forms of C. ohridella and furthered our understanding of the developmental strategy of this successful, invasive pest insect.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR