Prosazování marxisticko-leninské politické ekonomie do monetárního myšlení v Československu v letech 1945-1955 /.

Autor: Chalupecký, Petr
Další autoři:
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1210-6860
Abstrakt: Abstract: This study explores the transformation of Czechoslovak economic monetary thought toward Marxist-Leninist economics. The first section verifies the necessity to promote this theoretical and methodological approach from outside and bulid from scratch, as in Czechoslovakia this was not represented in the academic tradition. Further, the close connection between Czechoslovak economists and standard (Western) theoretical concepts in this area is considered. Also, the conditions which allowed the transformation of Czechoslovak monetary thought are discussed. The second part of the study focuses on the channels thorug which Marxism-Leninism were promoted. This was primarily via university educaton, which underwent a radical and somewhat chaotic reform that brought about the break with traditional university education functioning in Czechoslovakia, but was limited by economic and social conditions. The new state power managed to change eceonomic and social conditions. The new state power managed to change economic university education institutions and personnel with partial success. Among the biggest remaining problems was a lack of teachers and educational literature.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR