Presseerzeugnisse als Aushängeschilder der nationalen Zugehörigkeit? : die Suprematie der Deutschen über die Slowenen in der untersteirischen Publizisti.

Autor: Žigon, Tanja
Další autoři:
Jazyk: němčina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1210-9029
Abstrakt: Abstract: The history of German-language journalism in Southeast Europe, including Slovenian ethnic territory, is an important component of the cultural and political past. In the late 1870s, ethnic hostilities reached a climax between the Germans, who were the majority urban population in Lower Styria, and the Slovenians. In this linguistically mixed political constellation, the Slovenians began publishing the German-language newspaper Südsteirische Post in 1881 with the intent of representing Slovenian interests; immediately after it appeared, it politically divided the population and became a central topic of discussion in the region. This article examines the reactions to the newspaper’s publication in various editorials, offering a detailed insight into the historical and political circumstances in Lower Styria (or Slovenian Styria) in the nineteenth century.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR