„Naše pouť“ : Svatojanské hudební akademie Spolku českých žurnalistů na pozadí proměn svatojanského kultu v letech 1878-1885.

Autor: Kolátorová, Petra, 1977-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Kniha
Abstrakt: Abstract: The Academies of St John presented by the Society of Bohemian Journalists in the form of a series of orchestral concerts held in Prague took place as a part of celebrations in honor of St John of Nepomuk held each May from 1878 until 1885. The Society of Bohemian Journalists held the events for the purpose of raising money, and on an ideological level, the events were intended to create room for the presentation of orchestral works by Bohemian composers. The organizer of the Academy was the writer, poet, and journalist Jan Neruda, whose feuilletons and reviews in the newspaper Národní listy reflect on the academies that they produced, but on a broader level, they also reveal his attitude towards the saint and the traditional veneration of John of Nepomuk. As a source, this period correspondence of the direct or indirect participants in the Academies of St John or in another project with similar aims (the Slavonic Concerts of the Academic Readers’ Association) has not previously been exhaustively studied, and it offers insight into Prague’s concert life at the time.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR