Hledání Benešova nástupce. Zákulisí jmenování československého ministra zahraničí = Seeking Beneš’ successor. Background of the appointment of a new Foreign Minister of Czechoslovakia.

Autor: Šepták, Miroslav, 1984-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Kniha
Abstrakt: Abstract: The worsening health of Tomáš G. Masaryk made the question of his successor closely linked with the appointment of a new head of the country´s diplomacy, sicne the President in case of his abdication designate Beneš as his succesor. Based on unpublished sources of Czech and Austrian origin, memoirs and professional literature the author analyzes in his study the background of the appointment of a successor to Beneš between 1934 and 1936. Much attention is paid to the implementation of foreign policy by Milan Hodža, as it was at that time that the key negotiation concerning the appointment of a new head of the Foreign Office were taking place. The strongest "chechoslovak" Agrarian Party, seeking redress for its failure at the recent Presidential election, wished to have in that position its owna candidate and refused to accept Kamil Krofta, suggested by Beneš. Hodža´s poor success and some of his wrongdoings soon caused his recall and helped Beneš to put trhough Krofta´s candidacy. THus, The President could continue significantly infuencing the formulation of Chechoslovak foreign policy.
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