Krajina Novodvorska a Žehušicka v popisu k I. vojenskému mapování = The landscape around Nové Dvory and Žehušice in the descriptions for the 1st military mapping.

Autor: Vávrová, Věra, 1928-
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Jazyk: Czech; English
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: The paper analyses the information obtainable from written support materials prepared for the purpose of the 1st military mapping demonstrated on the example of Nové Dvory and Žehušice landscape (this region is situated in Central Bohemia between the towns of Kutná Hora and Čáslav). In spite of the fact that maps are frequently used in research, the support materials are hardly known.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR