Transgenic Arabidopsis plants over-expressing cotton DELLA or DELLA domain deletion : insights into DELLA gene function.

Autor: Liao, W. B.
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Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Kniha
Abstrakt: Abstract: Gibberellic acid (GA) promotes cotton fiber cell elongation under in vitro culture conditions and GA signal transduction is mediated by DELLA proteins. Our laboratory has cloned several DELLA genes from cotton and generated transgenic lines in Arabidopsis over-expressing the DELLA gene (GhRGL) and the DELLA-domain deletion mutant gene (Ghrgl). Comparative transcriptome profiling was performed on Arabidopsis transgenic lines over-expressing both GhRGL and Ghrgl. KEGG pathway analysis indicated that the differential genes participated in many important pathways, such as response to gibberellic acid, fatty acid metabolism, etc., and the expression patterns of 93 genes were validated by RT PCR in all transgenic lines and the wild-type plants. Gene ontology annotation identified that these genes were involved in sucrose synthesis, actin nucleation, root hair development, and various hormone signal responses.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR