K otázce datování počátků kultury s keramikoz pražského typu na Moravě : Příspěvek pro 15. mezonárodní sjezd Slavistů v Minsku = On the question of dating of the beginnings of the Prague-type pottery culture in Moravia : A paper for the 15th international congress of Slavists in Minsk.

Autor: Jelínková, Dagmar, 1950-
Jazyk: Czech; English
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: The paper presents new knowledge on dating of the beginnings of the Prague-type pottery culture on the territory of Southern Moravia. It is a result of the analysis of inhumation grave No. 114 from Přítluky, and radiocarbon dates obtained from animal bones samples from House 953 at Pavlov-Horní pole. The rave showing spatial relation to a cremation burial ground with Prague-type pottery, and the find of a single-edged iron sax, entirely unique in our environment, indicate chronological and cultural relations to the Merovingian realm. Sax, in association with afire steel and a knife, represented the typical funerary equipment in graves of male warriors. Important "C dates obtained from House 953 at Pavlov-Horní pole helped to date the earliest phase of the Prague-type pottery culture to the turn of the 6th to 7th century.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR