Milan Rastislav Štefánik a hlasistické hnutie.

Autor: Vrábel, Ferdinand, 1948-
Jazyk: Slovak; English
Druh dokumentu: Kniha
Abstrakt: Abstract: The author analyses Milan Rastislav Štefánik's attitude to the ideological-political philosophical, cultural and social movement of Hlasism, named after the Hlas magazine (1898 - 1904). He compares memories of a significant literary historian and linguist Jozef Škultéty on M. R. Štefánik's standpoints as a student, scholar, soldier and politician with his activities and journalism. Škultéty, one of the leading representatives of a conservative nationalist centre in Martin, contradicted Štefánik's identification with the Hlasists; however, he completely disregarded his correspondence with Vavro Šrobár and his publishing activity between 1902 and 1903, in which Štefánik supported the Hlasist principles. Štefánik's undisputable adherence to the Hlasist movement can be proved by the fact that he took active part in propagating the Hlasist ideas in Detvan, an association of Slovak students in Prague, participated in editorial work connected with publishing a Hlas supplement (Umelecký Hlas) and distribution of the magazine. In his articles, Štefánik sharply criticized the Martin centre and its policy, while professing ideas of realism and principles propagated by the ideological leader of the Hlasists Vavro Šrobár with whom he kept friendship and exchanged letters even after his move abroad.
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