Belarusian within the Slavic-Baltic euro-zone - morpho-lexical processes.

Autor: Marvan, Jiří, 1936-2016
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: The North Slavic euro-zone (NSZ) is the terminal link of the main euro-integration channel (Greek→Latin→ French/Europe West→German→North Slavic/Baltic) which involves most of the languages of the European linguo-area (ELA). In the context of its euro-zone, Belarusian underwent the following four (political and/or cultural) orientations: (1) South (shared with future Ukrainian) (the 10th -13th cc.), (2) North (Baltic) (the 14th-15th cc.), (3) West (NSZ) (the 16th-17th cc.), (4) East (Euro-Russia) (since the 19th c.). The NSZ channel (Czech→Polish→ Ukrainian→Belarusian) specifies Belarusian both vis-a`-vis the ELA and Russian. This specification is defined by (i) a set of kernel systems Belarusian shares with other NSZ languages such as pronouns and the time nomenclature (cf. basic notions as time, hour, morning, week, Sunday as well as month nomenclature as January, February… etc.) but, at the same time, by (ii) the domestication of euro-lexemes (suffixation as well as aspect prefixation of euro-verbs).Lithuanian, partly sharing this process with the NSZ (incl. the domestic names for months), forms with Belarusian, in addition to it, a separate microzone as its active partner (donor language) vis-a`-vis Belarusian. The third important feature of Belarusian is its role as a connecting link between the NSZ (and through it with the ELA) on one hand and, on the other hand, with Russian (and through it with the Euro-Russia euro-edge zone).
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