Adolf Černý jako první český překladatel novodobé běloruské literatury = Adolf Černý, the first Czech interpreter of the modern Belarusian literature.

Autor: Černý, Marcel, 1974-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: The author analyses translations of Belarusian literature and texts on Belarusian issues translated (as the case may be written) by the Czech journalist, poet and interpreter Adolf Černý (1864-1952). Although we can call him a pioneer in the Belarusian studies in the Czech country, his name is associated rather with his work for the magazine Slovanský přehled (founded in 1898) and with his translation activities (S. Kranjčević, J. Słowacki, S. Wyspiański, H. Zejler, J. Bart-Ćišinski) and the Sorabian studies. He knew Belarus from his own experience (he visited it in 1889 and 1897). He published articles about Belarus in the magazines Světozor, Čas and Slovanský přehled. He was the first to translate into the Czech language a poetry of the Belarusian classics J. Kolas, C. Hartny and particularly J. Kupala (among others an extensive anthology of the collection of poems Spadčyna [1922; Heritage]). The study focuses on the Černy´s translation method and puts its interest in the Belarusian studies in the broader aspect of the author’s activities related to the Slavonic studies.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR