Nářeční pojmenování velkého kusu chleba = Dialect terms for a large piece of bread.

Autor: Komárková, Zina
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: A large piece of bread is an object for which the literary language has no specific name, nevertheless a varied collection of terms can be found in dialects. Most often, metaphoric names motivated by form (e.g. kopyto) or size (e.g. špalek) occur in the collection, then terms with the motivational aspect "separated part" (e.g. závalec). In some words, the motivational aspects mingle. The effort to express the large site of the object leads to the fact that many terms are expressive, above all the augmentatives. The collection of dialect names denominating a large piece of bread is richly differentiated on the lexical, word-formational and phonological level. A simplified depiction of the geographical distribution of the observed dialect expressions can be found on the map included in the article.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR